Our Geophysics indicate projected areas for further acquisitions as below in Ghana. The company is currently in discussion with the governments of Mail, Sierra Leone, DRC, Guinea and the Central African Republic with regard to expanding our operations with regard to exploration of future  Gold and Diamond reserves.


Proposed Takara and Chirano Geological Reserve and Projections.

Historical reports indicate recoverable alluvial gold on the concession at 0.8 to 12 grams per ton throughout the strata. The heavy sands are consistent and verified in the ancient river channels, banks and land benches. There are 18” to 24” of heavy sands just above bedrock  throughout the claims and  the 60,000 acre site. Allied Geologists estimate there are 17 grams per ton of recoverable gold after the free gold has been removed in these sands. Assays have been performed on approximately ½ of the acreage and were performed through the geology services at University of Ghana. These geologists are internationally recognized as certified persons as it pertains to 43-101 reports.

The strata consist of 30 to 45 feet of surface material down to bedrock. The top overburden is 8 to 10 feet thick  with first growth timber and jungle foliage present throughout the acreage. There is a thick sediment clay layer that is 8-12 feet thick and consists of layers of sediment laid down through ancient flooding that have dried and trapped alluvial gold. There is a gravel layer that is 6-10 feet this  consisting of smaller river rock down to fine  structure that has held larger nugget gold in the strata. The lowest layer is the black sands that hold the highest content of gold and is estimated to be 8-12” thick consisting on average of 40% by weight of recoverable fine gold. This layer will yield the highest per ton average for gold production. The bedrock  is relatively consistent with minimal fracturing and creates and good basement layer to hold the above clay sediments.

Regarding the Ashanti areas, which the company has under management, the Geology and Geophysics is well known and a matter of public record.

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